
So now, the latest episode from my A book with no name to see the light is "Infinity", which is included in Unthology 7, the latest collection of short fiction from Unthank Books. Here's their blurb:

Flinch at the things that twitch in the windows a mile up from the city streets. Let text messages lead you towards a man that you already know is going to mess with your head. Find the meaning of life in your own lobotomy. Now, the ghost of Gaudi whispers in your ear, urging you to get yourself another lover, insisting it’s all going to be smooth and comfortable this time. Ruin yourself and drift towards the haunted shores of your youth. Then find yourself back there, returned to the low-down slums of a city in a country that no longer exists, that
UNTHOLOGY 7 documented and mapped out for you, and you alone, a long, long time ago.
Elizabeth Baines Roelof Bakker Gary Budden Elaine Chiew
Adrian Cross George Djuric Ken Edwards Charlie Hill
Debz Hobbs-Wyatt Sonal Kohli David Martin Roisin O’donnell
Amanda Oosthuizen Dan Powell John D Rutter Barney Walsh
Edited By Ashley Stokes and Robin Jones

"Infinity" starts:
There’s a room and then there’s a little room and another little room off that. And then a room and a room and more rooms and then a room. And beyond that is a little room and then a large room and a room. And in through there there’s another and beyond another and a room beyond. And from here they go into another room and that’s the little room right there. And then the main room. The room where it happens and the room where they prepare for it to happen and the room where they go after....

You can see more about Unthology 7 (and buy it – in its print and e-book incarnations) here.

And Unthank Books are going to publish my novel Country Life in October - but more about that later.


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